Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Its time to be unapologetically me!

I just recently returned from our leadership retreat to Mexico where I was surrounded by some amazing women. I was blessed by the opportunity to go and thankful for my hubby and family for making it possible for me to go.  One big thing that I took away is that I need to work harder to be unapologetically me and to share the amazing story that God has written in my family.  I tend to worry about offending others rather than share what he is doing in my life.  I am going to make it a priority to head in that direction.  The first step for me is that I wanted to begin a blog so I can share with you what life looks like as a Christ follower, wife, busy mom, and business owner.  I appreciate every one of you that takes the time to read what I have to share.  I am thankful for the love and support of so many that have helped me to find my voice.

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