Wednesday, April 22, 2015

For those of you that know me, I am a dig deep no excuses kind of girl.  I like to make things happen and I don't have much patience for excuses.  This has served me pretty well in life helping me to accomplish many things.

Recently, I have found myself pushing really hard, overcoming obstacles and just plain getting it done  I also found myself at the end of my rope.  I was mentally and physically exhausted I did not think I could push any harder.

Thankfully God is amazing with his timing when he is trying to teach me something.  In the middle of a near melt down he showed me that I needed to be putting him first and that his strength begins when I get to the end of me. 

I started prioritizing my quiet time again and gave myself some permission to slow down.  In slowing down I started listening to The Gifts of Imperfection by Brenee Brown.  She shares about how you should dig deep and it does not mean just gutting it out.  The above picture is from her book.  The "D" being the one that I need to focus on the most.  I need to get deliberate about focusing on my faith which is where I truly derive my strength.

So the next time you feel like you are at the end of your rope don't just dig deep.  Get deliberate, get inspired and get going!!!